Friday, October 18, 2019

Injury statistics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Injury statistics - Research Paper Example Other recordable cases recorded a 0.4%. According to code2, 622, there was an annual average employment of 344600 medical practitioners. The injury incidence rate was 11.8% declining by 0.8% to 10.2% in the year 2010. Similarly, there were 7.5 totals of recordable cases, having 1.9 % in total of cases. These cases are further divided into two: cases with days away from work, having a total of 2.2 percent while cases with job restrictions or transfer having recorded 2.6 %. Other recordable cases summed up to a 14.1 %. Analyzing this data further, it is suggested that the general medical and surgical hospitals recorded the highest number of employees, with a total of 4317300 employees, followed by a specialty hospital closely with a total of 198800 annually1 employed people. The Psychiatric and substance abuse clinic trickled down last in the industry with a total of 10000 people. Total recordable cases were 0.3%, 1.9 % and 4.2 % respectively with total recordable cases of 0.3%, 3.5% and 4.2 % respectively. Analyzing further indicates that the cases with days away from work recorded a combined total of 0.3 % with 0.3%, 2.9% and 5.6% respectively in these sub-industries. According to the Code3, code 622, the hospital industry, the psychiatric and substance abuse sub-industry recorded a 99.4% on average annual employment with a total of 7.3 % and 8.5% of incidences in 2008 and 2009 respectively. The editor’s report conquers with the figure indicating that both fatal and nonfatal sections have a recordable reduction in workplace injuries cases in 2009. The total recordable cases have declined significantly since 2002. It is indicated that more than half were of a serious nature. The hospital industry, likewise, recorded a decrease in injury cases in 2010, 2009 and 2008 respectively. In summary, both the fatal and nonfatal workplace cases and injuries declined significantly in the year 2010 from the year

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